Se hva Bullseye skriver:

Black Opalescent Sheet Glass

bullseye black opalescent kiln glass 000100-0030-x-xxxx

Cold Characteristics

Although termed an opal due to its almost total lack of light transmission, this is (in terms of its composition) actually a transparent glass.

Working Notes

Double-Rolled & Single-Rolled Sheets

Most solid-color sheets are double-rolled. A few styles are also available in single-rolled sheets, and will have a smooth, undulating surface on the front, and orange-peel texture on the back side.

Single-rolled glass can produce dappled lighting effects that are highly valued in stained glass applications.

Single vs Double-Rolled Front

Single vs Double-Rolled Back

For Rainbow Iridescent Textures

Low viscosity. Will flow sooner and more than other glasses. In very thin sections the color may vary from reddish/gray to bluish/gray.

000100-0024, -0025, -0044, -0046, -0048, -0054, -0056

Lay-up: When Firing Rainbow Iridescent Texture sheet glasses face up on the top layer of a 6mm construction, some of the original texture often remains, even when firing to a full fuse (1490°F/810°C).

00164 AOG spartan 02

Detail of Black Prismatic Rainbow Iridescent and 3mm Clear fired to a full fuse.